Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Recession fueling right wing extremists"

A report by the Dept. of Homeland Security says that "right-wing extremists in the United States are gaining new recruits by exploiting fears about the economy and the election of the first black U.S. president". DHS had no specific information about pending violence and said threats had so far been "largely rhetorical." But it warned that home foreclosures, unemployment and other consequences of the economic recession "could create a fertile recruiting environment for right-wing extremists."

So there is no specific threat or violence since the election but this administration will do all it can to discount the fears and disgust the public feels. This is the same administration that now calls acts of terrorism "man made disasters." And they wonder why people might be skeptic about the policies of Obama.

DHS also stated that these reports are normal and there was a left wing extremist report in January. Does anyone remember seeing "Religion fuels left wing extremists"? I didn't think so.


  1. They also feel that people who write into conservative blogs or listen to talk radio are right wing extermist. HA HA that means that you are on their list!!

    Oh crap, me too.

  2. OK, I have the tin foil adjusted.

    Back in the 70s when I was active in the union movement and we had the fascist (so we were told) republicans running the country (Nixon’s enemies list) we were told that we could write the FBI and request any and all information that they had on file about us. After all we were the liberal socialistic movement undermining the country.

    The only problem was, if they didn’t have a file on you before you wrote, they certainly did afterwards.

    Over they years, with all of the letters and calls that I’ve made to state and local government offices and politician, I must have a whole drawer full by now. Opps, the tin foil shifted again.

  3. how does it feel...You should travel with me. MY name is on the watch list. I can never check in early. I always have to to to the check-in counter and show my ID. (FUN)

    janet napolitano should step down, or big "O" should force her out if he is smart.

  4. My wife and I are both older WASPs, White Anglo-Saxton Protestants. It seems that we get extra looks when we go through the security gate.

    The last time when flying back from Denver, the guard who looked to be 12 years old, put our drivers licenses under the light to check the hologram to see if they were fakes. The he looked at the pictures and us a couple of times to make sure that we were Islamic Muslim terrorists.

    I wanted to ask him if his mother new what he did for a living, hassling old people as they try to get home? I wanted to tell him that he was a good little "Nazi", blindly following orders even if they made no sense.

    But I bit my tongue and went through the line. I’ve warned my wife, if they ever try to pat me down, I’m going to say, “You want to know what I have under my clothes?” and then drop my drawers and show them. So if I don’t write for a while, you will know what happened? :-)

  5. If you drop your drawers I hope we see it on You Tube!

    Yes Pook Ja No is an idiot.

  6. OK, video cell phone cameras. I forgot about those. Thanks for slapping back to reality. Nobody should have to see THAT!!!

  7. Well, we made to ALB., NM and back without too much harassment at the airport. So I won't be on You Tube. :-)

    We also didn't catch the Swine flu or see anyone that even looked remotely sick. I did see one young lady with a mask on during the trip to Denver.

    I also had a customer at work that thought I was crazy for traveling. People are such sheep.

  8. I'm glad you were safe grouchy...this swine flu was terrible and I can't believe you risked flying since Joe Biden said not too.

    I'm glad you were not one of the 1,516 people world wide who came down with this terrible virus.
