Friday, April 17, 2009

Maybe I was wrong

I have to admit you guys have opened my eyes to a lot of things. When you take away the rhetoric and feelings and just go by facts there are a lot of disturbing events going on. I want to give the guy a chance but I'm about done. Government takeover of auto, banks and healthcare. Carbon credits, right wing extremists, apologies to everyone, Biden, Pelosi, Reid. The list goes on and on. I soon may be "O had his chance". Keep up the posts.


  1. Obama had so many people behind him that I was hoping he would use it to make changes for the better. I think he had a lot of people fooled thinking he was going to have a moderate agenda. Now, I'm a right wing extreminist, so I saw past this and saw the facts that he was the most liberal senator out there. What really scares me is what has happened in 3 months of him being in office. There's no delay in getting all this stuff passed. One of my favorite signs from the tea parties was "next time read the bill stupid!"

    Where will we be in another 4 years? Will we be able to roll back entitlement programs that will be created? All the new people relying on the government, will we be able to remove them from the nipple?

    I do have to give Obama credit for his handling of the pirate situation in Africa. I was worried that he would do nothing and just "talk" to the pirates to try and resolve this. I was surprised to see him authorize the use of force to free the Captain.

    Other than that, there isn't much more I can say about his first few months.

    I'm glad that you are looking at the facts and getting past the feelings.

  2. Looking Out for 2 Girls, I’m glad to see GiveOachance have a change of heart about Obama.

    You said that “Obama had so many people behind him that I was hoping he would use it to make changes for the better”. What many right winged conservative realized from the very beginning is that it wasn’t how many people he had standing in front of him cheering, it was what type of people did he have backing him up.

    My poor children will tell you that whenever I wanted to make a point, I would bring up the “Nazis” or Adolph Hitler. They make a good analogy here because they started out with strong charismatic speaker who rallied the masses by picking out a common enemy (Hitler used the Jews while Obama used G.W. Bush). He then told them that they weren’t to blame for their problems, (It was the Jews and the international banking systems while Obama used the conservatives, the bankers and the CEOs). Both were elected into office on emotions and both started making sweeping changes as soon as they were in.

    Hitler didn’t do what he did by going against the laws of Germany, He changed they laws to fit what he wanted to do. Obama is trying to do the same thing. The only thing that Obama has to worry about is the Constitution. It might not be too big of a worry, as not many Americans even know what the Constitution says.

    As far as being able to reverse the socialistic move to the left that Obama and his people are pushing down our throats, it can be done. But just as with Nazi Germany, the switch will be painful. Who is going to want to be the one who pulls the person away from the welfare tit and say no more? Is there another Ronald Reagan out there?
