Sunday, April 12, 2009

Justice Ginsburg remarks

In a speech in Ohio Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended the use of foreign law by American judges and suggested that torture should not be used even when it might yield important information.

With Obama in charge it seems we will get more of the same from future appointees. Will that be good or bad for American freedom?

1 comment:

  1. Study history so that you don't have to repeat the failings of the past.

    The revolt in Russia to overthrough the Czar was bloody and violent. The change in Geramny came though the political process, albeit somewhat abused.

    Hilter came to power by working the system to his needs. The actions he took appeared on the surface to have some sense of legality in the beginning.

    Those who win elections, win the right to appoint judges to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has become more powerful that the other two brances of the government.

    It will be bad for American freedom but it will appear to be legal since the court made the decisions. Just as Hitler became a dictator through the legal system, there is a danger of history repeating itself because people don't understand the dangers.

    It doesn't matter if it's a Republican or Democrat president, the danger is always there.
