Sunday, April 12, 2009

Is Armaggedon closer than we think?

I'm not a conspiracy nut or doom and gloomer. I'm a skeptic about most everything I'm told and need proof to believe but I've got to say one guy has my attention.

Joel Rosenberg is an author, political advisor and was referred to as a "Modern Nostradamus" by the US News and World Report. His first novels have been fiction and relate to terrorism and Biblical prophecy. Nine months before the Sept 11 attack he wrote about a kamikaze attack on an American city which leads to a war with Saddam Hussein over weapons of mass destruction. His next book starts with the death of Yasser Arafat and a U.S. diplomatic convoy ambushed in Gaza. Six days before his book The Last Days was published, a U.S. diplomatic convoy was ambushed in Gaza. Thirteen months later, Yasser Arafat died. His next book The Ezekiel Option centers on a Russian dictator who forms a military alliance with the leaders of Iran who are pursuing nuclear weapons and threatening to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. On the day it was published in June 2005, Iran elected a new leader who vowed to accelerate the country's nuclear program and later vowed to "wipe Israel off the map." Six months after the book was published, Moscow signed a $1 billion arms deal with Tehran. This is just to give you an idea of the insight this guy has.

His latest book is non-fiction and looks at "How the followers of Jihad, Jefferson and Jesus are battling to dominate the Middle East and transform the World". I've just started the book and the scenarios Rosenberg lays out along with the interviews of political and military leaders is scary stuff. Essentially he says Islam is in a fight to the end and wants to accelerate Armaggedon. Ahmadinejad is being underestimated and Iran's ability to strike not only Israel but also the US is not being taken seriously. He lays out 5 scenarios that he sees playing out and they all have to do with an attack on US soil. Launching nuclear weapons from yachts offshore to flying in planes from Canada loaded with biological or nuclear bombs to activating sleeper cells within our borders or sneaking weapons up from Mexico and exploding them in a major city. A war between Iran and Israel seems unavoidable which will also bring in to play Syria, Hezbollah and al Qaeda. All will launch attacks on Israel at once. Iran will hit Saudi Arabia and those Arab countries which have been civil towards us. Oil will be shut off and the attacks will come from all corners of the world. He says it will happen between the end of 2009-2011. There are approx. 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. If only 1% were radical that would be a huge army.

Just going by his track record and what we are seeing in the Middle East and our inability to call a terrorist what he is, is this scenario that far fetched? If oil is cut off or NY or LA or Chicago has a nuclear bomb detonated in the center of the city what happens to our life? This economy runs on oil. Supply would be limited and the price would spike. Companies would go out of business, food supply would slow etc. In the cities that were hit commerce would come to a stand still. How long can you live without a paycheck, food, water, heat, electricity? No matter how much money is in the bank if there aren't goods to buy what do you do?

Really think about worse case scenarios and how would you make it. Open your eyes to what is going on and don't deny we are in for the fight of our lives. Get your house in order, say your prayers and make peace with God because we never know when our last day will be. I can't believe I'm writing this but something tells me big changes are on the way.


  1. During the 50s we lived near a large military base that would be one of the first locations that Russia would have struck. We did foolish things like have air raid drills in school where they taught us to duck and cover.

    I always thought that we would be the lucky ones. Since the first blast would vaporize most of the area, our suffering would be over in a flash. Those who lived and were kicked back into the stone age by the war would be the ones who would suffer.

    How do you think society would be after an attack described in Tiredofthecrap's post. Would it be calm and orderly or would it be mass riots and every man for himself?

  2. It's not if, it's when it will happen. I would like to think that we would all help each other out. But I'm glad I'm a big game hunter, if you know what I mean.

  3. I would like to think it couldn't happen but ask France before the Nazi's came or Japan before the A Bomb Or Sarajevo after the winter Olympics but before it looked like Beirut.

    An attack on one city would kill that city and it's economy for some time. A shut down of oil or attack or multiple cities could prove devastating. Think about it, if you or you and your spouse lost their jobs how long could you last? If we couldn't get gas would your business continue to operate? If the stores couldn't get food brought in what would you eat?

    In my business if I can't get gas I'm done. If food isn't available I don't have a garden or cows to live on. If a bomb hit Phoenix my wife and I would be out of money in weeks if not sooner. I know we think we live in our own little world but we don't.
