Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Supreme Court Pick

Word is out that Obamas first pick is Judge Sonia Sotomayor. She is single, Hispanic and has been a federal judge since 1992. At first glance she seems to have been involved with very few profile cases in which to grade her. She was first appointed by George H Bush and later named an appeals judge by Clinton.

Since the Republicans have no hope of stopping any pick Obama would nominate I think we could have done a lot worse. We'll see what evolves in the months ahead.


  1. I've heard a lot of clips about her through out the day today. It doesn't sounds like she is anything that conservatives should support, but would any Obama appointee? The one statement that she's been blasted on the conservative networks is her comment on how policy is made in the appelate(sp?) courts. Again, would this be any different than any other liberal judge that Obama would appoint?

    I've heard many people say that it's no big deal tha Obama is in...4 years and he'll be gone. Well, this is one of the big deals of Obama's victory. Supreme Court nominations are lifetime appointments. Wow, this lady is only 54 from what I hear...quite a bit of time to serve on the bench.

  2. If confirmed, Judge Sonia Sotomayor will be the fifth Roman Catholic on the Supreme Court. She has already ruled against pro-abortion groups in the past. Judge Sonia Sotomayor also ruled against the right to own a gun.

    It will be intersting to see how she is questioned by both the right and left members of Congress. Both side have to feel a little uneasy.

    Will she be the fifth vote on the court to overturn gun ownership rights or the firth vote to oveturn Roe-vs-Wade?

  3. She is replacing a liberal judge, no a conservative one. Nothing will change, the shy is not falling.
    Park the Black Helicopter. =)

  4. Pook, It's good to hear from you again.

    There's no need for Black helicopters on this one. There have been nationally known conservatives question if she will be the fifth vote on gun control and liberals wondering aloud if she will be the fifth vote against abortion rights.

    Usually one side or the other is worried about a new judge. It seems with her, both side have concerns.

    "Nothing will change," I heard the same thing from people before Obama was elected. Man were they wrong. Get back to me in three and a half years and tell me if you can still say that.
