Friday, April 3, 2009

Iowa OK's same sex marriage

The Iowa Supreme Court today ruled that that marriage should not be limited to one man and one woman. Even though a Des Moines Register poll in 2008 of Iowa lawmakers showed that a majority of Iowa’s lawmakers —123 of 150 — said they believed marriage should only be between a man and a woman and that 62% of Iowans said they believed marriage should be only between a man and a woman.

Once again a liberal court has overturned the will of the people.


  1. The fact that 62% of Iowans stated in a survey that they thought that marriage should be between a man and a woman is amasing when you think about the PC pressure that's everywhere to take the opposite position.

    To take the stand that they did, risking the chance of being branded a homophob, bigot, and civil rights hater takes a lot of courage. What percent do you think gave the PC answer so as not to look bad?

    It doesn't say if the survey was taken person to person, over the phone or with a secret survey form.

    The reason the unions want the right to organize by signing cards and not by secret ballot is that they can bring a lot of peer pressure to sign up if they are going to know if you signed or declined.

    I've worked in a "Right to work" state that had a union. "Right to work" means that you didn't have to join to work at the company. Most people foound it easier to join that to face the harrassment if they didn't join.

    How a survey is asked, who is doing the asking and how the questions are worded can change the outcome of any survey.

  2. While I have no desire to marry another guy (although Pook may be fun) I'm not sure allowing gay marriage will actually affect straight marriages. Is the whole gay marriage thing a religous thing or is there some proof that gay marriages ruin society?

  3. I believe that if you study history (Greece and Roman) you will find two reasons for the decline in a civilization. When a minority of the people are paying the majority of the bills to keep the government running with too many people living off the dole will doom any society.

    The next is the decline in the traditional family and values and the acceptance of deviant behavior. It’s been less than forty years since the homosexual life style has been removed from the American Psychiatric Association’s list of deviant behavior. There are groups working on removing having sex with children and animals as deviant behavior too. Once the line in the sand has been removed there is nothing to hold society together.

    Sound familiar?

  4. Is the decline in values because of same sex marriages or other factors? 40 years is also about the same time as the feminist movement, Roe v Wade and taking God out of schools.

  5. GiveOachance:

    You hit the nail on the head. Same sex marriage wouldn't, couldn't be an issue until all of the other things you listed took place first.

    Abortion of a baby during the ninth month of gestation with no repercussions couldn't have happened until after the life that forms in the womb was devalued to a "mass of tissues" first.

    Abortion on demand couldn't have been OKed unless abortion because of rape or incest hadn't been used to prime the pump.

    Making slaves of millions of Africans couldn't have happened unless their value as human beings was lowered to being equal to cattle or other property.

    Germany couldn't have killed millions of Jews, Gypsy, and disabled citizens if their lives hadn't been devalued.

    Had the APA not removed homosexual behavior as a deviant behavior, society wouldn’t have accepted the gay life style. If society hadn’t accepted the gay lifestyle, churches wouldn’t feel pressured to change their doctrine on it.

    So no, same sex marriage isn’t the sole cause of the downfall; it is a sign of it.

  6. Funny... I love how people think homosexual behavior is the fall of civilization. So this behavior is why the non homosexual couple can't stay married. The divorce rate of straight couples and having single moms is the main problem with the civilization today. Not drugs, bad movies, video games, Same sex marriage, Internet, or anything else. Its the fact that today parents are not active their kids lives.

    Maybe everyone else should worry about staying married and taking care of their kids first, before they think the have the moral high ground to tell anyone else how to live.
