Saturday, April 11, 2009

AP IMPACT: Chinese drywall poses potential risks

You would think that when working with a country that produces formula that kills it own babies and lead painted toys to poison ours, that someone in the government would say enough is enough.

"At the height of the U.S. housing boom, when building materials were in short supply, American construction companies used millions of pounds of Chinese-made drywall because it was abundant and cheap."

The only reason that China can produce drywall and then ship it half way around the world and still be cheaper than US factories is government regulations, liability lawsuits and bloated (in some cases) union wages. Compared to what American workers are paid in wages and benefits, Chinese workers are working for slave wages and below.

"The drywall apparently causes a chemical reaction that gives off a rotten-egg stench, which grows worse with heat and humidity."

You mean to tell me that after being shipped from overseas in closed containers through hot and humid conditions that the drywall didn’t stink when they opened the container up? Someone had to look the other way if it did.

"Now that decision is haunting hundreds of homeowners and apartment dwellers who are concerned that the wallboard gives off fumes that can corrode copper pipes, blacken jewelry and silverware, and possibly sicken people."

Where do the homeowners and apartment dweller go to redress their concerns and ailments? Good luck trying to get anything out of the Communist Chinese government or any of their manufacturers. That’s right, in China the government owns everything, including the poison formula, lead painted toy and rotten drywall companies.


  1. So is the answer not to buy anything from China or put in regs. to make sure it's safe? If you put in the regs. then you raise the price and you'll no longer have cheaper prices. Wal-Mart would be in big trouble.

  2. I spent 14 years being very active in the union movement. I served as an employee representative and on the bargining committee.

    During those times, the union stressed buy American made goods and helped passed laws that punished employers who hired illegal aliens.

    Auto workers in Detroit couldn't park their cars in the company parking lot if they didn't own an American made car.

    Union workers were protesting illegal aliens because they drove down wages and safe working conditions.

    It's sad what twenty years has done to the union movement.

  3. I spent 14 years being very active in the union movement. I served as an employee representative and on the bargining committee.

    During those times, the union stressed buy American made goods and helped passed laws that punished employers who hired illegal aliens.

    Auto workers in Detroit couldn't park their cars in the company parking lot if they didn't own an American made car.

    Union workers were protesting illegal aliens because they drove down wages and safe working conditions away.

    It's sad what twenty years has done to the union movement.

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