Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hypocritical Catholics

From what I hear this is one of the Catholics most Holy weeks of the year. The Pope is the Grand Puba of millions but does he ever look at his flock. We all know the message that comes from the pulpit but what do his followers actually believe?

A recent Gallup poll showed that of catholics who regularly attend church 24% believe in the Moral Acceptability of abortion. 53% says it's OK to have sex between an unmarried man and woman. 44% say homosexual relations are OK. The percentages were even higher for those catholics who were not regular church goers.

On one hand the catholics shout about their disgust for these things in public and on the other they are apparently OK with it behind closed doors. Is Catholicism an actual religion or a giant cult?


  1. Matt 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

    The call goes out to everyone, accept Jesus as your savior and you shall be saved. Few truly accept that gift that God offers.

    Matt. 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord , shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.

    Just because you are a member of the Roman Catholic Church, or any other one for that matter, doesn’t mean that you are a child of God.

    Matt 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never new you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    There are many wolves in sheep clothing preaching from the pulpit and sitting in the pews.

    Matt 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

    Man can look at your lifestyle and see how you act. God looks upon your heart and knows what you believe.

    In a cult the group blindly follows the leader without questioning whatever he say. That is not the Roman Catholic Church.

  2. "In a cult the group blindly follows the leader without questioning whatever he says".

    Have you ever been to a Catholic service? The ritual that goes on is all about blindly following. Ask most people who go and they won't have any idea why they do or believe what they do. If the Pope says it then it's good enough for them.

  3. GiveOachance,

    Yes I have been to a Catholic service and no I'm not catholic. You seem to be confusing Catholic worship with the way Catholics live their lives.

    You said "A recent Gallup poll showed that of catholics who regularly attend church 24% believe in the Moral Acceptability of abortion. 53% says it's OK to have sex between an unmarried man and woman. 44% say homosexual relations are OK" and then state that they blindly follow thier rituals.

    The numbers you quoted point to a great deal of disagrement with the Pope and his teachings. The fact that for "good order" they follow a litugry doesn't make it a cult. It makes it so that the people know what comes next, a hymn or the sermon.

    I have to agree with you assestment on many people's understanding of the faith that they profess by their membership in this or that denomination. As a theology buff and a committed Christian, it bothers me when you ask someone what they believe and they say that they believe what the church believes. When presses further, they can't tell you what the church believes or why.

    You also have to cut some people a little slack as they were raise that you didn't discuss religion or politics as it only leads to arguments. I have found that in you sit down and EARN THE RIGHT to ask people what they believe they will be more open with you.

  4. I might catch all kinds of flack for this but I have to say that the answer is yes.

    The leaders do attemp to have a tight control over the membership but over the years, that has loosened some.

    They qualify as a cult because they take a several central teachings of the Christian religion and turn them on their heads.

    They deny the Trinity. This has been the doctrine of the Christian church, all denomination from the first centry.

    They believe that Jesus only started the redemtion process. They believe by works, they can gain access to a better place in heaven than someone else. They believe that the best Mormons will becomes gods of their own planets where they will be sent to repopulate it.

    They believe that a Mormon can be baptised for a relative to get that relative into Heaven even if the relative didn't believe at all. EVEN if the relative is already dead!!

    If you let two Mormon come into you house to share their good news, they won't tell you that right away. They start off sounding like Christians and just want to help you see the light.

    Because most people who have fallen away have a little knowledge of the Scriptures, they try to take that knowledge and weave it into their doctrine so you don't realize what's happening.

    I've gone throuogh the visitation process and I have a Mormon relative.

    It's hard not to admire them. they live such a straight laced life and do so many goods works. The problem is that they are doing them to try to earn their way into Heaven not because they are thankful for the work and sacrifice that Jesus Christ did for us.

  5. But don't Catholics for the most believe in works, pray to Mary, go to God through an intermediate (Priest) and believe in purgatory?

  6. Hey, you are somewhat of a theology buff yourself.

    I never said that the Roman Catholic Church was the one true church. Nor did I say that their droctrine was perfect. What do you think caused the Reformation?

    In the beginning, Martin Luther wanted to reform the errors that had crept into the church through out the years. His reform was met with cries of heresy and he was excommunicated. Thus you have the Lutheran church. Calvin and the ana-baptists were for the split from the beginning. Thus you have the Baptists and reformed churches. The other denomination received there start later in history.

    We Christians talk about the one true church, they are talking about those people of all denominations who believe in their hearts and confess with their mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. You can't tell by where they worship if they are a member of the true Christian church because you don't know what is in their hearts.

    Some denominations, by their very doctrine, make it harder to be a true Christian. The Unitarian Church is one such group.

  7. Knowing what the Bible says does not necessarily mean believing. I still have lots of questions. Even satan knows the Bible.

  8. Again you are 100% right. I too have questions. The only one who doesn't have questions is God because He knows all of the answers.

    He is risen.

    He is risen indeed!

    GiveOachance Happy Easter
