Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Obama bow?

Don't know who has seen this story in the news but the White House is denying that Obama bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London. Now, politics aside of whether or not he should have bowed, take a look at this site and watch the video.

About 53 sec in is when Obama greets King Abdullah. Obviously it was a bow and how stupid does the White House think we are to accept their statement that "it wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah." You can see on the video that his left hand followed after the bow.

Amazing...apparently you can spin anything!


  1. Over the last ten years I’ve said that politicians, especially liberal ones, are technical ignorant or the biggest liars in the world. They seem to think that we are living in the 1800 where they can say one thing today and deny it tomorrow as they can claim that they were misquoted. However, with video and audio equipment everywhere today, if you said it or did it, someone has it recorded.

    The Nazi during the run up to World War II had a policy that said about a lie, if you say it loud enough, often enough, it becomes the truth. Also said by Lenin. You have a video of President Obama bowing King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia for everyone to see. Do the politicians come out and say that it was a goof up on the President’s part? No, they go into full damage control mode, look you in the eye and say that it never happened.

    Bill Clinton knew what had happened with Monica. He denied it under oath. Then in comes technology with DNA and proves him to be a liar.

    “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” Abraham Lincoln. The problem is the last section of the quote is in danger of being proven wrong.

  2. Lets say it was a bow, what's the big deal?

  3. Let's say that we are all sitting around watching the Super Bowl drinking beer. I get up, walk over and take the last one. You say, hey, you took the last beer so you have to go pick up some more.

    I sit there with the beer in hand and tell you that I don't drink beer, I don't like beer, and I didn't take the last beer.

    That's part of why it's a big deal. President Nixon would not have been removed from office if he had just came out in the beginning and said some underlings did something stupid and turned them over.

    President Clinton may have been in a lot of trouble with his wife if he had confessed about Monica instead of covering it up.

    If they are going to lie (while looking you in the eye) about something a stupid as a protocol error, what else are they going to lie to you about.

    So lying about it is part of the problem.

    The second is a regional custom thing. To bow to a King or Queen means that you are a servant of that King or Queen. Obama is president if America and we fought a war to free us from having to bow to worldly leaders.

    Doesn’t make any difference to you, it just a regional custom? It used to be when visiting an Eskimo village; the host would offer his wife to the guest for the night. Quaint customer they used to have. Can you imagine the uproar if the Eskimo chief visited Washington and started ushering the president’s wife towards the bedroom?

    Had the White House admitted that it was a goof up, it would have blown over early.
