Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Islamic mortgages

In the land of equality and opportunity for all it is great to see that The Land of 10,000 Lakes is coming to the aid of the religion of peace. Islamic law forbids, except under certain circumstances, interest to be paid. So the state that voted for Al Frankin now is promoting Islamic mortgages. The home price is raised and fees are paid up front. Raising the home price is supposedly to act as if interest was paid. Isn't that wonderful!

What can we look for next?

Islamic hospitals where men are treated by men and the women get treated in the basement.

Judge Hussein's divorce court where a women can literally lose her mind.

McAllahs fast food which only serves Yak and slurpies. And our favorite.

Family Feud the Islamic version where one family member tries to sneak over to the other families side and blow himself up.

It's nice to be so inclusive of a religion that wants to kill you.

1 comment:

  1. You never know.. it might work. (or not) But I still like the fishing.
