Pres. Obama is starting to feel the heat. Many of his proposals are being met with doubt and ridicule. I really wonder though would McCain have been much different?
McCain has shown many times that he wants to be liked. Not necessarily by his party but by the other side and the media. If that same desire would have continued into a Presidency what would that have looked like? Gitmo probably would have been closed. McCain had already said he was against water boarding and thought many of the things the military had done was torture. He voted for the failed immigration plan. He is against drilling in Alaska. He said that global warming was a fact and proposed green incentives. He often crossed the isle to agree with the Dems. Would he have voted for a stimulus plan? Probably, especially when the heat was on from the media. It may have been different but it would have been there. The only real difference I can see is he may have taken a tougher stance in the war on terror and possibly more conservative judges but with the Congress controlled by Dems he would have had a hard sell and probably would have compromised.
Friday, February 20, 2009
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Would McCain actually have been better? I guess that depends on what aspects you are judging on. Does McCain love the spotlight and therefore chooses some positions on what may get him the most attention...I'd agree with that (Global Warming for one.) The area that I have the biggest issue with Pres. Obama on is this stimulus package,'s pretty much the only thing he's done besides closing down Gitmo in the few weeks he's been in office.
ReplyDeleteAny president that would have come in would have had to put forth some sort of stimulus. The American people wanted something just sitting back would not fly with the public. However, I think that McCain's stimulus package would have been more simulative. McCain has been a big fighter against pork and earmarks in bills. Who knows what the final spending amount would have been under a McCain presidency, but I think the majority of it would have gone to construction projects, tax cuts, and other items that have been shown to “stimulate” the economy. Not 50 million for the National Endowment of the Arts. We all know that Obama’s stimulus bill is just random spending that the Dems haven’t been able to get through for the last 8 years. It’s just being hidden under the term “stimulus” to hopefully avoid any questions.
Just my thoughts, we've all seen McCain crumble to the media and pride himself on working with the other there's really no way to tell.
"agree with that (Global Warming for one.) The area that I have the biggest issue"
ReplyDelete- So are you saying that "Global Warming" is not real? Or do you just don't that part of the plan?
There is no doubt that the earth warms and cools in cycles. These cycles seem to follow cycles of the sun. People who try to blame this pattern on human activity have no basis for their views. Current wisdom is now we aren't in a warming trend but cooling. How can that be if a year ago we were all doomed from warming? Just another scam by the powers that be to gain money and control. As they say just follow the money and it ususally leads to the answer.
ReplyDeleteI don't say that "Global Warming" in not real...I say it's not man made. Oh wait, it's not Global Warming anymore, it's "Climate Change" due to the recent cooling. HA HA
ReplyDeleteYou really think we "the human race" have not had "no" impact on the Climate? So your on the boat that the data showing change is all 100% mother earth going though a cycle?
ReplyDeleteYep...until someone can explain to me how the earth has warmed and cooled before man was here. I guess there were carbon emissions...those dinos probably had some crazy gas!
ReplyDeleteJust give us some facts Pook. I'm always open to learn. Hopefully you can also explain how the Mars polar caps were melting too. Dang little green men and their SUV's!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not an expert on the subject, but I not ignorant enough of think human kind has not had an impart on this world. I also don’t drink kool aid and just repeat whatever Rush say’s. I agree that Hunan-kind is doing harm to the earth. However, I’m don’t think we had done as much harm as some lefty’s say we have (AKA Gore). I don’t think cars (SUV) are the problem. CO2 is not a major greenhouse gas problem % wise in the upper atmosphere. Its the sulfur in burning coal that is most of the problems not SUV. If you read the reports on the problem (from independent sources; not fox/cnn), even experts don’t blame CO2 as the main problem. Most the blame the goes to sulfur from coal.
ReplyDeleteSo maybe you can help me understand how over 3 billion people on earth haven't added to the problem? (at less we can say that we have gave it a push in one direction)
Side note: I drive a ford F150 and I’m going to buy a brand new Ford F150 4x4 Supercrew next year. I will never drive a small hybrid. =)~
Where are the facts. I am no expert either but I don't think we have the impact that others do. So it's now my word against yours since neither of us are experts.
ReplyDeletePook, I'm with you on a lot of these things but I think you need to give up the Global Warming stuff. I'm a weather nut and have looked at this thing for years. If you take out the institutions that get money from the Government and those paid by big business and look at the rest of the guys doing work on this subject its nearly unanimous that humans have had very little impact on warming. We may have affected other things like poisening rivers or harming certain animals. The earth is it's own eco-system and self regulates. When it starts to get too warm, the ocean currents change as do the weather patterns. This reverses the warming. Now all this takes hundreds of years to do. Also our instruments have only been recording accurately for a small time frame compared to the life of the planet. How can we have know what we have done if we don't know what happened before?
ReplyDeleteI agree parts are a normal cycle, but I can't just let humans off the hook like we’re not doing anything at all. I understand how the North Atlantic current works, I love the science more then you can know (I was going to college to be an astronomer). I think the earth will fix itself, but will man kind let it?
ReplyDeleteCan’t let humans off the hook! WOW, not like the Earth was made for Humans. No, its cool to quote scripture when some obscure point can be made, but lets not bring God into this. The Earth was CREATED for Man! Yes he does have an impact on his environment, but not to the extent of destroying the earth. To believe 3 billion people have had a destructive effect on the earth and are destroying the planet, you would have to assume that the Creator (God) never fathomed we would grow to this many people or invent cars. He must be shocked we are not still using sticks and stones! Who would have thought!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe arrogance to think that Man has the ability to destroy God’s creation is amazing. But again, goes back to typical Liberal thinking. Ignore facts, its all about intention. Lets have a Global Warming summit in some far off Island and all take our Private Jets down there. It’s so important, but not just quite so important to inconvenience me! Again, Liberalism on display. Its about Intention, not fact!
"The arrogance to think that Man has the ability to destroy God’s creation is amazing"... Man can destroy what god gave use. That's why he gave us free will. (But that is an never ending debate that no one can win, since god has different meaning in everyone’s mind/heart. Plus different regions view the bible passages differently)
ReplyDelete. It’s funny Kool-Aid drinkers talk about the facts, but can’t see the facts when it comes to other thinks like evolution. That fact that man has evolved over hundred and thoughts of years to what we are today. So instead they come up with intelligent deign to make themselves look like they have a clue. So Liberalism has global warning and kool-aid drinkers have intelligent deign. So what group is ignoring facts now? Global warning or what ever carp the call it today is a good debate. I think both side have merit when it come to this. Each side doesn’t have a silver bullet that proves their point 100%.
So why not be safe and go green. Can you point out what it would hurt? Why not cut back oil imports and drill more in the USA to cover the short full in the middle why we roll out electric cars?
How you moved to criticize Intelligent Design from this string is quite a leap. But it does, once again, validate Rush’s contention that Global Warming is a Religion to the Left. You proved him right again!
ReplyDeleteI can bring up as many, if not more facts supporting the FACT that there is a God, as you can bring up about Evolution. It could go on forever and basically has. We won’t even touch on the impact Darwin’s “theory” had on Hitler, or how his original theory was distorted by others to promote an agenda not intended by Darwin. Using your words, so why not be safe and go God.
It is not the “going green” that people have a problem with. Everybody wants clean water, air, etc. The US is the best at cleaning up its own messes. Recycling, conservation, are great and most Americans participate freely. It is the Carbon Credits, the Taxes, the siffeling of Industry imposed by Government that has people concerned. If you take the money out of the system and let the free market do its thing, we will be better off. If an electric car is what people want, let someone build it and sell it. Lets not penalize an industry and create massive debt and layoffs based on an opinion about Global Warming.
I agree, lets drill more in our own country. Can you tell me why the Liberals don’t want us to drill our own oil? Why wind energy is a good thing unless it blocks the view of a Kennedy? Why we need to reduce carbon emissions, yet fly private jets to far away places to discus the issue? Again, its about feeling good. As long as you CARE about the issue, your on the right track. You don’t actually have to DO anything. Another Rushism that gets proven right every day.
Now, have to hop in my SUV which has been running while I type this. Need more Kool Aid.
The fact is I’m looking at the facts online and not just repeating what a radio host says. Tons of credible people in the field think Global warning has merit. And some doesn’t also. The debate is still going on, and that is the problem with rush fans. They think everyone else is wrong and they're right. They don’t have an open mind. It the Rush way or no way.
ReplyDelete- Can anyone tell me anything they disagree with Rush on? This would at less prove your not sheep.
The only diaagreement I can come up with at the moment would be his environmental stance sometimes. I don't believe in man made global warming but I do think we need to be better stewards of the planet.
ReplyDeleteI think many dislike Rush because he is sure of himself. He actually thinks some things are right and some wrong. There is a black and white. It's funny that if you disagree with a lib. you're close minded but if you agree you are open and a free thinker. I would have to say liberalism and it's followers act more like sheep than do conservatives. Just look at the Obamamaniacs. The very nature of conservatism is that do it yourself, rugged individualism. Liberalism at it's core is a collective mentality where no one excells and we are all equal. When there are no winners and losers there are few leaders and it's easy to become a follower. The very definitions of conservative and liberal makes your statment absurd.
Yes, I can see how open minded you are. You just classified ALL 50 million listeners as having the same thoughts. So YOU have determined how ALL of his listeners are. It would be interesting how you classify ALL minorities. Sounds like all or nothing in YOUR thinking.
ReplyDeletePeople listen to Rush, not to be told what to think, but BECAUSE he has the same thoughts as them. He did not become the largest radio program because people needed to be told how to think. He grew because he thinks like much of America. You also get to hear additional news the networks don’t share. I too read tons online, blogs, newsfeeds, all to gain insight on an issue.
I am not always happy with his views. Some environmental issues, health issues, and sometimes his stance on Bush. But, like everything I read and hear, I make up my own mind. Its just more fun to use a Rush term on the wacko left who are ALL out to lunch on most issues. They just cant hold back the hate.
"You just classified ALL 50 million listeners as having the same thoughts. So YOU have determined how ALL of his listeners are."
ReplyDelete- No I was just talking about you and other I know that listen to rush. It would be imposable to know what 50 million people think
"People listen to Rush, not to be told what to think, but BECAUSE he has the same thoughts as them"
- With 50 million listeners you would think McCain could of got more votes. And the Reps wouldn't have lost the house and senate. But I'll blame bush for most of that.
"Rush term on the wacko left who are ALL out to lunch on most issues. They just cant hold back the hate."
- Be fair... both side have wacko's
- so far it look just like Bushamaniacs
Unfortunately for the republicans they don't have anyone who is even close to Rush in terms of power. When you have a bridge to nowhere and toe tapping under the bathroom stall, the party of ethics takes a hit. It's time for the Repubs to realize they are no more virtuous than the Dems.
ReplyDeleteIts not a matter of Virtues, although I don't think anyone in Washington is without fault, its more a matter of press coverage. When Kennedy can kill a girl, Barney Frank can run a Male escort service out of his home, Obama can have a terrorist who blew up a federal building as an advisor, and the minor tax problems of most of his appointments, but toe tapping, or Sara Palin gets the most press,it shows you the bias of the major media. Its sad the sheep in the media cant do their job. That is why Rush is so powerfull. He does their job for them.
ReplyDeleteYes we need a better leader for the party and it will happen. Carter brought about Reagan, Obama will bring about someone just as powerfull.