Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Our world 2/17

NY Muslim beheads wife (the religion of peace)
Kansas suspends income tax refunds (never mind that it's already the taxpayers money)
California ready to file bankruptcy
NY to tax porn (Looks like Clinton will have to move)
Oregon to raise beer tax 1900%
Australia to tax by the flush (just go outside)
Australia fires kill 200 (could be because of the flush tax)
Kazakhstan to limit CEO pay (didn't know they had any)
Clinton says N Korea missile launch would be very unhelpful (genius)
Israeli tennis player denied visa by Dubai to play in tournament (love those tolerant Muslims)
Atheists' billboard delayed when bus it was on conked out on 1st day (maybe there is a God)
S Florida official paid $384,000 steals bike to give to homeless (typical lib, can't use his own $$)
English man gets 20 wks for whistling Adams Family tune at neighbor (maybe he couldn't sing)
Israel's Livni says Israel must give up land to Palestinians (That will really work)
Hundreds of giant solar panels to be set in Mojave Desert (maybe that's why they are broke)
And finally
Study finds human sweat is an aphrodisiac (Good news for the homeless)


  1. Did I sign in wrong. How do I start a post? I can only respond. I don't see a tab for a new post.

  2. You forgot this one!

    "A Chinese tycoon's attempt to whittle down his five mistresses to one in the economic downturn has ended in tragedy after he held a contest to decide which one to keep."

    Man, these times are really tough. I'm sure this is going on in America too. How's a man supposed to choose between 5 different women? Where's this in the "STIMULUS" (this may be the only thing slipped in that would have actually stimulate something!) bill.


  3. NY Muslim beheads wife (the religion of peace)
    --- Crusades, Salem Witch trials, Branch Davidian Waco Texas. (All religion have bad apples. Judea-Christian religions have history also)

  4. Pook, True all religions have bad apples just as all countries or political parties. The difference with Christianity and Islam is the atrocities commited during the crusades were almost a 1000 years ago. The beheading was this week. Over time religions,just like humans are capable of bad judgement but how long are we to be held responsible for our sins of the past. No church leaders today speak of the crusades as a good time. When do you hear a top Islamic condemn the terrorists? Christianity does not condone the behavior you exampled. Islam seems to. To be accurate the crusades were a response to Christian lands being invaded by Islamists. Not that this makes everything that went on right but even in that age the Islamists were violent. Look at the world today and where is there violence? Most every area is controlled or trying to be controlled by Muslims. It is a violent religion. Just because someone calls themselves a Christian does not mean they are. To look at "Christians in name only" and say that is Christianity is narrow minded. It's no different than looking at a black man and assuming he's in a gang or is a great basketball player. Why not look at all the good Christianity has done and example those areas as how a Christian should live? How many Muslim relief organizations are there?

  5. Do you know how many Christianity relief organizations are there? I don't think you can find an accurate source. Islam is the second largest religion in the world (estimated 1.5 billion people in the world per adherents.com) I don’t think we have 1.5 billion violence people in Islam.
    I’m just saying that I have the mental ability to understand the different from an act of violence and a whole religion. If I couldn’t see the difference then.....

    In the news today:

    - A church pastor is accused of raping a child in her congregation almost a dozen times over the last two years (in Boston)
    - Testimony is scheduled to resume Monday in the aggravated rape trial of the former pastor of Hosanna Church in Ponchatoula. Louis D. Lamonica, 48, of Holden, is being tried on four counts of aggravated rape for allegedly abusing his two young sons when they were 11 years old or younger (in Louisiana)

    <<< I guess Islam is the violence religion, and Catholic\Christian are all petafiles >>> .

    For the record: I’m Catholic.
    Okay maybe that is what’s wrong with me… my priest called it play time.

    Also for the Record:
    I have been known to say Nuke them all… So maybe I'm wrong?
    I’m going to go see my priest at the church. I need say my our-fathers…. (in the backroom)

  6. I'm not sure what your comment about the Christians relief organizations was for but it proves my point that there are thousands. I'm also not sure why the number of Islamists is important, we all know there are a lot. I already agreed that there are bad people in all walks of life. So if you're saying Islam is no different than Christianity than that's where I disagree. When a nut case blows up an abortion clinic in the name of God there isn't one mainstream pastor that condones it. When a suicide bomber blows up a school in the name of Allah do you hear anyone of stature condemn it? No. It's their belief system. Study the Qur'an a little from an independent source or listen to a former Muslim. The Qur'an preaches that non Islamic believers either convert or die. It's as simple as that. Any follower of Allah who doesn't believe that is not a true Islamist. It's just like Christianity, a true Christian does not and cannot believe in gay marriage because of scripure. But we all know there are many out there calling themselves Christian or Muslim who really don't follow the faith. Read both the Bible and the Qur'an and see which religion is the religion of peace.
