Thursday, February 19, 2009

Are we really nation of cowards?

According to AG Holder, we (the U.S. people) are a nation of cowards when it comes to discussing race. Holder said "we, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race." Really!? It seems like all we do is discuss race. We talk about who was disenfranchised. We are told that we need to be more sensitive to minorities. We are told we need to apopogize for what our ancestors did. Where has all this talk gotten us? To the point where we are told we don't talk. What good is talk if there is no solution? When will we become a color blind nation? I suggest we are as close as ever and to have a black AG who works for a black President who was elected by a lot of white and latino voters is a sign that no matter how much we talk some people will never be satisfied. Instead of talking why don't we eliminate the things that divide us. If we are to be one people why do we need affirmative action? Why do we need a black Miss America? Why do we need an all white or black college? Until we can remove the labels and the special treatment for certain groups we will not be equal no matter how much we talk.


  1. we are cowards. I still can't tell my black jokes in public.
    I watch the whole speech on Youtube, not foxnews clips. I think if you watch it you can see his point of view. You might not agree, but I understand what he is saying.

  2. I'm not sure what his point of view was. Is it that we haven't moved very far in the last 50 years or that we have gotten stuck or are moving in the wrong direction? And sense he was speaking to a black audience was it directed at them or all?
