Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Halleluiah!! Obama is in the Valley

Just had to post real quick. Our savior has come and saved us! The sun was out, the birds were singing and the smog was gone. My worthless, meaningless life no longer exists. I am born again! My bank account is suddenly full, I've lost 10 lbs., I have a full head of hair and I get free cable. All praise the One! I think I even saw him walk across Tempe Town Lake on his way to the airport. My life is complete. I can now die and go to the promised land where we all sit at the annointed one's feet and listen to his inspiring teachings.

1 comment:

  1. My dog actually listened to me the first time today while he was here, however, now that he is gone...things are back to normal. No miracle at this house.
