Thursday, April 23, 2009

Morality on the decline....

As I've been commenting about in other posts, I am very concerned about the moralilty of this country. Here's a recent story that helps prove my point.

FDA Says 'Yes' to Plan B Morning-After Pill for 17-Year-Olds

"Well, it's official. The Food and Drug Administration yesterday said it will allow 17 year olds to purchase the Plan B "morning after" pill over the counter. Until now, the contraceptive product—which prevents pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex—was available only for those 18 and over who presented a valid ID to a pharmacist behind the counter. Younger teens needed a prescription to get access to it."

I know people on this blog have stated that anything goes once you're an adult. Well, 17 to me isn't an adult and the fact that children can get access to this product over the counter is just amazing to me. Way to take parents out of important decisions in their childs life.


  1. Look at it this way. We'll have less teenagers giving birth now, and so we'll have less welfare baby's to pay for. It might help lower hearth care cost.
    My mom always told me to look at the positives.

  2. There is an inplant that can be placed under a girls skin that acts as birth control for five years. If preventing teen age births is our only concern, why not force all female to be inplanted? That would remove all births between the ages of 13-18.

    Could it be that self control and responsibilty are things that need to be learned by being practiced during the ages of 13-18?

    Could it be that just like the Morning After pill and condums, the inplant doesn't protect against STDs?

    Could it be because none of these devices prevent the damage done to the ego and self respect that girls suffer when used by boy who "love" them?
