Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama's bipartisanship

When campaigning Pres Obama told us continuously he would include the Republicans in all discussions and not practice the policy's of division like his predecessor. Now after ramming spending bill after spending bill down the Republicans throats comes another possible bill designed to further increase Washington's hold on it's citizens.

Harry Reid has said he is open to fast tracking health care legislation. Why do they continue to do this? Number one is because they don't have the votes to go the conventional route and two because they can. The media is so far up Obama's backside that they can't or won't call him on the carpet. This administration demonstrates day after day a total disregard for all the things that have made this country great. Let your voices be heard. Elections matter!

1 comment:

  1. The problem is that this is a revolution taken place under the blind eyes of the news media and in full view of people who are more worried about the millions than they are about the trillions of dollars.

    It is a power grab where the federal government will end up looking more like communist Russia during the sixties than America during the eighties.
