Monday, March 23, 2009

More about national health care

Have you ever wondered why Liberals, known for their concern for the Environment, Over Population and Social Security also support a national health care system similar to Canada or England’s?

The time spent waiting for tests and procedures under governmental one payer health care can run from weeks, into months into longer than the rest of your life. Cancer that could have been cured with timely treatment kills up to 10,000 people in England every year.

Is it any wonder the Liberals support it. That’s 10,000 less people with a carbon footprint on the Environment. That’s 10,000 less in the world’s population or creating new people adding to the Over Population. That’s 10,000 less people collecting Social Security.

You may be lucky and only have to wait the average 3.8 weeks to obtain your ultrasound, 4.3 weeks for a CT or 10.3 weeks for a MRI. Now 10,000 may not sound like a large number unless you are among one of the numbered.

Data provided by Walter E. Williams article Do We Want Socialized Medicine?

I wrote about the failings of Nationalize Health Care for several reasons. I have always empathized with anyone who had a problem and I would try to find a solution to it. Then, as I get older, I see the possibility of these failures effecting me or someone I loved.

When you are young, you may not think that you will live forever but old age is so very far off. If you have had healthy parents then you may not have seen the ravages that age and age related illness can bring on.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is not the result of abusing your body. It is the luck of the draw. This disease can take normal hands and feet and distort them in size and shape where walking and working is impossible. There are other age-related illnesses that cause similar problems.
I heard too many stories about people from Canada coming to the US and paying for tests that were weeks or months away in Canada. There are too many stories of where the person had a tumor and would have died if he or she had waited.

There are stories of people being denied treatment because they have passed a maximum age and then they are no longer able to get the life saving treatment. In England, there is a disease of the eye that caused blindness. It is expensive. It was being denied until the person went blind in one eye. Then they would treat the other.

These stories are just urban legend until you can find documented proof that they occurred. This link will take you to a sight with actual newspaper articles telling some of the horror stories confronted by people living in countries with National Health care.

These problems may not effect you today but they will effect your loved one sometime in the near future if we are forced into Nationalize Health Care.

A Grouchy Old Man


  1. You may be right. From the UK TimesOnLine:

    JONATHON PORRITT, one of Gordon Brown’s leading green advisers, is to warn that Britain must drastically reduce its population if it is to build a sustainable society. Many experts believe that, since Europeans and Americans have such a lopsided impact on the environment, the world would benefit more from reducing their populations than by making cuts in developing countries.

  2. Can you say “China and India?”
