Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The savior is here

From Drudge:

"Obama vows to increase number of soldiers...
Obama vows to seek cure for cancer 'in our time'...
Obama says bank bailout may cost more than expected...
Obama promises universal EDUCATION THROUGH COLLEGE...
Obama promises universal health care... "

And we're going to cut the deficit in half in the next 4 years. Hello 75% tax rate 'cause apparently we're not stopping the spending!

"House Democrats propose $410B spending bill. "

Lets keep it coming!

1 comment:

  1. Per Yahoo.com: “It loosens restrictions on travel to Cuba, as well as the sale of food and medicine to the communist island-nation”

    About time… last time I check we trade with China a “some what….lol” communist nation. Castor will be dead soon, and maybe we can put factories in cube instead of china.
