Thursday, February 26, 2009

Napolitano tells Texas to suck it up!

Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano told Congress on Wednesday that she will study Texas Gov. Rick Perry's request for another thousand troops to guard the border. She stated that violence had not spread far enough north to warrant a plan drawn up by the Bush administration. She also said "We do not want to militarize the border".

Why the heck not!! How far north does the violence have to get? To Dallas? Ciudad Juárez, a town right across the border from El Paso had 2000 killed last year from drug gangs. Phoenix is now the kidnapping capital of the U.S. thanks to illegals and the drug trade. Gang members dressed in fatigues frequently cross the border or exchange shots with U.S. Border Agents. The Tucson sector of the Border Patrol has reported a record number of assaults on US Border Patrol Agents. In 2005 then Governor Napolitano issued a state of emergency in AZ due to border violence. At that time she declared it was the fault of the U.S. Government and their lack of action. It's amazing how moving to D.C. suddenly changes everything. Typical politician!

If we have murder, kidnapping and the violation of U.S. laws at an increasing rate isn't this a problem? We fight half a world away to preserve the American way of life shouldn't we do the same when the problem is at our back door?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Phoenix is now the kidnapping capital of the U.S. thanks to illegals and the drug trade. "

    - Wow that sucks... Glad I live by corn fields
