The government has passed or is attempting to pass regulations that cover everything from which light bulbs you can use, low flush toilets, what type shower heard you use, to if you can sell your house without replacing an older model dishwasher of microwave. Never mind if they still work or not, if they don’t meet certain energy savings requirements, you will have to replace them before selling your house. In the name of global warming and farming practices, the government wants to regulate small farmers that raise and sell their produce on street corners or at farmer’s markets. The government is passing so many laws that at any one time you may be in violation of several of them without even knowing it.
I had heard several people talk about the fact that there was an “Coming Ice Age” scare back in the 70’s. I kind of remembered some of the discussion but I couldn’t remember all of the facts. I decided to get on line and see what I could find. What I found were hundreds of thousands of different blogs and articles about it. I wanted to narrow it down so I went to, as Time Magazine was one of the fear mongers sounding the alarm. This link will take you to the Time article published in June 1974.,9171,944914,00.html
So what if they were right then and wrong now. What if the last two decades of excessive sunspot activity actually provided a stay to the global cooling that they were discussing back then? If you take a look at the last seven to ten years, you will find that the temperatures have been falling again even with the increase of CO2.
One recent blog actually wondered if Al Gore would be in favor of subsidizing SUV production to help warm the planet once it is discovered that we are in deed cooling instead of warming up. It concluded that if Mr. Gore could make a dollar doing it, he would be at the front of the line.
In the mean time Congress, which is suppose to work for the people is going about making energy slaves out of the people. Other countries that have Cap and Trade laws are trying to undo the damage that it has caused. Germany reportedly pays 25% more for electricity now after Cap and Trade took effect.
One of the reasons that unions made headway into the mining business was because the miners were little more than slaves to the mining companies. This was supported by the company store. Miners could purchase food other needs from the local store. The mining company owned the store. The miners lived in company housing. The mining company ran the hospitals. No matter how hard the miners worked, they could never get out of debt because the mining company just raised their prices. If they went on strike, they would be without food, shelter and medical care.
Is that were we are headed in America? Instead of a company ran store, company housing and company hospitals; will it be government ran? Will the prices be kept so high that it’s all we can do to keep our heads above water? Will the taxes, hidden in the cost of products and taken out of our paychecks leave what we need to survive as free men and women?
If the direction the country is headed isn’t changed, you and your children won’t live in the America that you grew up in. The problem is the Democrats or Republicans are taking us down the same road to destruction. Is there another Ronald Reagan out there?
Saturday, July 4, 2009
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And we wonder why people are apathetic about politics. Politicians and actors, on both sides, are some of the lowest of the low. They look out for themselves. They can be found supporting the cause of the moment. Who cares if there is a real crisis. The important thing is how much face time and money can they get. And no one holds them accountable for saying or supporting false predictions.
ReplyDeleteIn 1988 Ted Danson predicted that in 10 years the oceans would be dead and us along with it. In the mid 90's breast implants were killing thousands of women each year and lawyers were suing the world. Turns out the threat was overblown and no credible evidence was found linking silicone implants to cancer. But we had to hold Senate hearings to get to the bottom of it. Companies went bankrupt and lawyers were made rich. Same with the alar apple scare of 1989. 60 minutes did a hit piece and said "The most potent cancer-causing agent in our food supply is a substance sprayed on apples to keep them on the trees longer and make them look better. That's the conclusion of a number of scientific experts, and who is most at risk? Children who may someday develop cancer." Within a short time apples were taken off the market, apple growers went out of business and the government spent $9.5 million to reimburse apple growers. All because the EPA used bad science by another group saying alar was bad. 60 minutes never issued an apology and several lawsuits against them were denied. So one government agency used bad data which caused the US citizen to foot a $9.5 million bill. These are just the tip of the iceberg.
The responsibility as a conservative is keep government out of our lives as much as possible. The more we ask government to do the less of a conservative we become. Why does the government tell us we can retire at 55 or 62 or 75 before we can get back the money we put into the system? Why can't we invest in our own funds? How can we take out low interest student loans and then complain about government intervention? Who do we think the money comes from? Why do we allow laws that force us to wear seat belts and helmets? Why is it the governments role to tell us who we can and can't marry? Should I need a license from a bureaucrat to tell me I'm married in the eyes of God? Why do we allow a system that makes it easy to kill an unborn child but difficult to execute a confessed killer? I think the tipping point is almost here and I for one am Tired Of The Crap!
So a conservative that doesn't care if two guys get married? You sure you're a conservative? So we shouldn't have laws?
ReplyDeleteHere we go again. Let's get Pook involved in the "no laws" debate!
ReplyDeleteI don't care what 2 consenting adults do as long as it doesn't bother my life. I won't approve or condone it but I won't stop it. I also won't call it marriage. Marriage is reserved for 1 man and 1 woman. Marriage is a covenent with God and with each other and the government should butt out.
ReplyDeleteIn a perfect world we wouldn't need laws but the number of laws is inversly preportional to the morality and ethics of society. You can tell by the number of lawyers in the US how our morals are.
Tiredofthecrap said...
ReplyDeleteI don't care what 2 consenting adults do as long as it doesn't bother my life. I won't approve or condone it but I won't stop it. I also won't call it marriage.
I used to feel the same way. The problem is “No Man Is an Island”. We are effected by what people do behind closed doors. When was the last time that the nurse actually touched you without gloves when she or he drew blood? If you go into the hospital, you are treated as if you have the plague even if it’s for a broken bone. How much of you health insurance rate is caused by what people do in public and private settings? How much of your health insurance rate is to cover STDs and aids? Whether you like it or not, what other people do affects you.
“I won’t call it marriage”. We already discussed how homosexuals have used current laws to punish those who didn’t agree with them. In some countries it is illegal for pastors to preach the truths of Scripture about Homosexuality. There is already talk about having it being a hate crime under U.S. laws. That would make your printed statement a hate crime and you liable to have charges filed against you or a civil suit for emotion stress.
So who do we designate as the "action" police? Agreed that what others do affects me but the caveat to my comment is "doesn't bother my life". If Joe and John want to get "close" in their apartment should it be a law they can't? If they are doing it in public then it affects me. Naturally, this can be taken to an extreme. Some people are offended by the pledge of allegiance. Others by Christians and others by blacks or hispanics. So what do we do? Make so many laws that none of us can turn around without getting fined or sued or get a thicker skin and tolerate some things we would rather not know existed? How about some personal responsibilty! Or is it too late?
ReplyDelete“If they are doing it in public then it affects me.” You have answered your own question. You are the action police. You have drawn the line in the sand as it’s OK behind closed doors but not in from of you. “Joe and John” are going to ask you, “What gives you the right” to say we can’t, hold hands, kiss or lay embraced on the grass in public? Tom and Mary do it in public and no one says anything.
ReplyDeleteYou have 300,000,000 people who all have their “line in the sand”. In a society, you can’t have 300,000,000 different lines. As a society we have condemned homosexuality in the past. Over the last 40 years that line in the sand has been moved. In your eyes, as long as it is behind closed doors, it’s OK. In other’s eyes it’s OK in public. In some, it is wrong under any setting.
By who’s guidelines do you draw you line. Everyone believes in “god”. That god is either themselves and they determine what is right and wrong. To some their god is society. Whatever society determines is right or wrong is what they believe. Then there are us awful Christians who believe in the God of the Bible. We know, despite what we feel ourselves or how we wish can’t we all just get along, that there is One that speaks with authority and its best not to go against His truth? He has drawn the line in the sand, what is man to change it?
It you think about it, it is in our very nature to want to change it. From early childhood to today we have rebelled against every authority figure put before us. First our parents and their silly rules. Then the teachers and the homework and study that we hated. Then there is the government with its silly laws. Why do we need coming to a complete stop before turning right on the red? And finally, if you aren’t self employed the boss. Why can’t I surf the net on company time?
We forget that because children don’t heed their parents warning not to play in the street some are hit by cars and killed. We wonder how someone expects to get and keep a good job when he can barely read and write. Silly laws about coming to a complete stop until someone pulls out in front of you and you’re not able to stop in time. What harm does surfing the net do? That’s until you download a bug that’s traced back to your terminal and you get fired.
Just because society doesn’t see any immediate reaction to their moving the line in the sand, doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening slowly.
So we just have to keep making laws? How about teaching self control and putting others first. You know, those terrible Biblical lessons. Without 1 standard to live by we are forced to live by them all. You can't legislate morallity so government tries to impose there own idea on us. I know of no better source for values than the Bible. If someone else has one please let us know.
ReplyDeleteI don't care what 2 consenting adults do as long as it doesn't bother my life. I won't approve or condone it but I won't stop it. I also won't call it marriage. Marriage is reserved for 1 man and 1 woman. Marriage is a covenent with God and with each other and the government should butt out.
ReplyDeleteIn a perfect world we wouldn't need laws but the number of laws is inversly preportional to the morality and ethics of society. You can tell by the number of lawyers in the US how our morals rules for commercial roofs