Friday, July 3, 2009

Palin resigns as Gov.

Maybe she just wants out of the spotlight but with her resignation the speculation of her running for Pres. in 2012 begins. If she is ready to throw her hat in the ring is she a viable candidate?


  1. I’ve heard the talking heads say everything from it was a smart move to it was political suicide. The one thing that I noticed is that none of them actually live in Alaska. I don’t think that she is preparing for a run for the Presidency. I’m guessing that she preparing to run for a Senate seat. The only people who count there are Alaskans.

    What you haven’t heard much about is the time and costs that all of these ridiculous charges have cost her and the State of Alaska. Did you know that she won every case they put against her? Why should she spend the next year fighting more of the same when there is a capable conservative that can step in? If she wants to run for Senator and he wants to run for governor, why not give him a head start?

    If you look at who the other states have elected as their senators, you might wonder what were they thinking. Take Minnesota’s newest senator. Then take a person that has had a very high approval rating in the past, who resigned for the good of the state, who was persecuted by people who weren’t even Alaskans, who was crucified by the liberal press whom they hate and by people that want to prevent the flow of Alaskan oil, etc, etc, and I think that she will be a sure winner.

    There’s nothing that going to get a woman elected faster than having the good old boy network trashing her. Even without the sympathy vote she is one smart cookie who believes what she says and says what she believes. It doesn’t matter if the other 49 states like her, its what do the Alaskans think of her.

  2. You can say what you want but I'm not so sure she is as smart as you think. Didn't she say she could see Russia from Alaska? Doesn't sound real bright.

  3. Didn't Obama say he's visited 52 or 53 states during the campaign? Doesn't sound real bright but the lefties voted him in! Well...I guess that proves my point.

  4. Didn't Al Gore invent the internet? And Biily Clinton nver had sex with that woman, Monica Lewinski.
