Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Rule of Law

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that the Obama administration has crossed over the line of federal government authority, failure to uphold constitution rights and committed what appears to be quid pro quo actions to favor the union movement. The question is whether the federal bankruptcy judge and the state of California will have the strength to push back after being leaned on by Obama?

The duly elected representative of the state of California, after much discussion and debate, took measures to trim the budget. Part of the reduction came in a percentage decrease in state employee wages. One of the unions that raised millions of dollars for the democrat’s presidential campaign called the President and enlisted his interference in the state of California’s internal budget process. President Obama threatened to withhold billions of dollars in stimulus money if the state didn’t cancel the pay cut.

The federal bankruptcy laws are clear on who has preference in a bankruptcy settlement. Secured creditors who have paid a premium to be secured creditors have preference when funds are being dispersed. The Obama plan would have secured creditors receiving 30% on the dollar while union creditors would receive 50%. Where in the constitution or federal bankruptcy law does the president of the United States have the right or power to make such decisions? Again, a powerful union, which raised millions of dollars for the democrats, would be on the receiving end of a presidential power play.

What happened to "The Rule of Law"? Where are the protectors of the provisions written in the United States Constitution? Why is the Congress sitting by saying little to nothing about the trampling of Federal Bankruptcy laws? Where is the federal or special prosecutor looking into what appear to be quid pro quo favors to powerful union by the man and his administration that are honor bound and have taken an oath to uphold the laws of this nation and it’s Constitution?

1 comment:

  1. Where is the federal or special prosecutor? Too busy looking into how to punish the Bush administration for putting a bug in a box with a terrorist.
