Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why start another blog?

There are tens of thousands of blogs floating around in cyberspace. Why start another one? There are many of us who have done what we've been told to do as good citizens. We vote, we teach our kids right from wrong and we may even serve on a political campaign or two. What has it gotten us? A country on the edge of socialism, a citizenry of pampered babies who blame everyone else for their problems and a society that has taken God out of it. No one but myself may read this but I need to vent and put my thoughts down in writing so my wife doesn't have to listen to me constantly scream at the TV "What is wrong with these people!" This blog will deal with issues that affect me and hopefully others. From local and national politics to religion. From the stupid comments made by movie stars to the woman who just gave birth to octuplets. It will be respectful but often confrontational. Someday I can show my grand kids what was going on in my world and see how far one way or the other we have come. I just need a place to rant thus my name Tired of the crap.

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