Friday, February 13, 2009


The plan currently in play is a joke and the only thing it will stimulate is Chris Matthews leg. This is even contrary to what Pres. Obama has stated in the past. In a speech on March 13, 2006 Obama stated " The cost of our debt is one of the fastest growing expenses in the federal budget. If Washington were serious about honest tax relief in this country, we'd see an effort to reduce our national debt by returning to responsible fiscal policies." So we now have the biggest "stimulus" plan in this nations history. We were told 95% of people would get credits of $1000. That has now been cut back and amounts to $13 a week for the average worker. So to stimulate the economy we are all going to rent a movie, get some popcorn and a couple liters of Pepsi or we can save up for a month and pay to get an oil change. This should really create some jobs!!

When Nancy Pelosi can figure a way to slide $30 million in for the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse which needs it's habitat saved in her district you know we are in serious trouble.

To my Grand kids: I'm sorry you are going to be saddled with debt that will slow if not stagnate our economy. I'm sorry the parents of my and past generations did not instill a work ethic in their kids. I'm sorry the politicians have put their re-election priorities in front of the peoples.

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