Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ending racism in America?

From what we were told, electing a black President would help with our race relations in this country. Well, I tuned for part (couldn't listen all the b.s. that was said) of the Pres. news conference last night. Since I only caught the end of the conference, I heard the last question asked regarding an arrest of a black professor from Harvard and if this harms race relations...or something along those lines.

The Pres. responded that he didn't have all the facts but that the officers acted "stupidly." Why does he feel the officers acted stupidly? Was it because they arrested a black man who was in his own home? Was it because they responded to the call at all?

Without having the facts, it amazes me that Pres. Obama would make a comment at al (his typical healthcare response was "I haven't seen the bill"). I guess he felt he had to bad mouth the white cop who arrested the black man. How does this help race relations? Isn't this what is always happening? Black man being kept down by the white man? Well, I've read the arresting officers report. Doesn't sound like he did anything wrong. Sounds like the man arrested was accusing the officer of being a racist from the moment he responded to the call. He was given multiple warnings that he was going to be arrested but the man kept yelling.

What makes me concerned is that the Pres. put our law enforcement under the bus. He sided with the man who was being arrested over the cops. What will he do with our military and other law enforcement? Will he side on the accusations of abuse from inmates, terrorists, and others who feel they have been wronged by authority figures? I was told things were going to be different now that we have a black Pres... well, I guess our Pres. has the same attitude of other blacks who claim the white man is keeping them down.

I have to say that the White House has come out with a clarification, the President didn't mean that the officers were stupid, he meant that acted stupid. Wow, good job on clarifying. This administration is such a joke. Mr. President, I don't mean you're a moron, I mean you're acting like a moron.

Here's a link to the police report:


  1. OK, there’s this white guy, a Hispanic guy and a black guy…. Sounds like the beginning to some dirty joke. The problem is that they were the three police officers that responded to the call at the professor's home.

    The Professor had just returned from China and was probably tired and upset that he had to break into his own house. He was probably grumbling to himself about what it was going to cost to make the repairs. I know I would be. Then here come the police, great, they just made his day. The problem is when your tire from a long trip and grumbling because you had to break into your own house and you are confronted by the police, it’s possible to say something stupid that just adds to the problems of the day that you are having.

    Being a black man, once he stepped over the line, it is easy to use the race card since one of the officers was white. The problem is that this white officer is the one in charged of training other officers how not to racial profile. The Professor “You don’t know who you’re dealing with” didn’t know who he was dealing with. The white officer was chosen by his superior to teach the anti-profiling classes because of his non-racial attitudes. His superior was a black officer.

    If you are a woman, you don’t want to say that a man who lost his family jewels during the war raped you. That would be something you might not know about a person but would certainly come out in court. If you’re black, I don’t think that you want to yell racial profiling by the officer that teaches anti-profiling methods to the troops and when the other two officers are Hispanic and Black.

    Remember the fable of the boy who yelled wolf.

  2. "Mr. President, I don't mean you're a moron, I mean you're acting like a moron."

