Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Using phony ID is not ID theft?

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that an illegal alien could not be charged with identity theft because he did not know the numbers were stolen. Apparently if the numbers are made up it is not theft.

So if I steal a car but don't know who's car it is I can't be charged with theft? I don't understand this ruling and would love to see the explanation.


  1. Agree... I don't understand this one

  2. link

    Good info about it

  3. Thanks for the link Pook. Still doesn't make much sense to me. I agree with the car theft analogy. So, there is no crime commited if you don't know that the number/crime you are commiting is valid? So, I can break into a random persons home and take their possesions? I know their property is not mine, but I don't know to whom it belongs to. Therefore, from my understanding, there is no crime commited.

  4. I think I see what they we're talking about, but I still think it's kinda silly.

    The person is still getting arrested for false documentation. It's kinda like if your running from the police. You get arrested for running through a stop sign, Speeding, reckless driving, failure to yield, and bla bla.

    Why can they just have one thing Call "RUNNING LIKE A LITTLE BI&^$".
