Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Abortion Pride?

Another sign of the Apocalypse.

Jacob Appel, bioethicist and author holding degress from Brown, Columbia. Harvard and NY University says "that the moment is ripe—more than ripe—for an Abortion Pride Movement". He goes on to say "In contrast to women who have foregone abortion, women who have chosen to terminate their pregnancies are rarely encouraged to take pride in their decisions. That is unfortunate. In the current political climate, deciding not to bring a fetus to term, if a woman is unready to parent, or if that fetus is likely to lead a life of great physical suffering, is a courageous and noble moral choice. Recognizing that thirteen or fourteen years old is rarely a wise age to embark on the process of parenting takes personal insight—but it also requires wisdom, at that young age, to terminate a pregnancy and so spare a child from growing up with another child for a parent. In short, women should not merely have the right to end unwanted pregnancies, they should have the right to be proud of having done so. Surely, there is enough suffering in this world already without adding infants with Tay-Sachs disease and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome to the mix. Women who step up to the ethical plate and have the strength to say, “This is the wrong time,” or “This is the wrong fetus,” should hold their heads high in the streets".

Is this what this country is coming to?


  1. Courageous to terminate a pregnancy? I would think it’s courageous to accept what has happened and either raise that child or put it up for adoption. How many couples out there can’t have a child and are looking to adopt…give them a shot. Abortion is the easy out…it’s not courageous. By easy I don’t mean that it won’t haunt you down the road…but at the moment, your life is easier.

    Wouldn’t the courageous and noble thing be to not have done the deed that conceived the child in the first place? If we’re talking about 13 or 14 year old girls, the courageous thing would have been to stand up to the peer pressure.

    I should say that I’m amazed to see these comments, but in this day and age, it does not surprise me at all.

  2. It used to be those things that were shameful, abortion, adultery, divorce, homosexuality, etc were things that were done in the dark because they knew that they were wrong and didn't want them to be seen in the light.

    Now, what people would have been ashamed of in the past, they brag about openly and people sheer them on.

    At one time, many years ago, we may have been two strict. Today the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction as if evident by this article. Bragging about killing babies, UNBELIEVABLE.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Why should it be shameful? Maybe you should look at the adoption rates of African American babies. Everyone wants a white-blue eye baby, but I think adoption is good for society as a whole. Freakonomics read it!

  5. If you think abortion is something you should be proud of than I feel sorry for you and your soul. The connection of adotping white babies and abortion pride makes no sense.

  6. I never said I would be proud, I just said it shouldn't be shameful. Abortion is a personal choose you make for yourself and if you believe your doing the right thing then you shouldn't be ashamed. I know a lot of people that have had abortion, and they are all good people. Also, my soul is just fine so don't worry about me. I understand that life is not a book, and that color is a very important part of life. And in the end we will all know that is right and wrong when we stand at the gates. So to me abortion is a 100% religious call. If you think god is going to send you to hell for it, then don’t do it. But I like to think the Big man is an understanding guy and looks at it case by case.

    Just an Example:
    A girl that was raped, and finds out that she is pregnant from it. If she choose to have an Abortion then I don't think she should be ashamed of it.

  7. When you say "Why should it be shameful?" what else would that mean? If you're not ashamed then you would be glad or proud or relieved or something. I don't know what else you would be.

    Look at the stats and almost all women who have one regret it. I don't think the woman who was raped should be ashamed of the rape but what happens after that is in her control and aborting a live fetus would play on most peoples minds. If we get to the point where we aren't ashamed of immoral acts(we are close) then society as we know it will fall.

    The big man is very understanding. In reality He should send us all to hell for the things we have done. He continues to forgive us and He would forgive an abortion if the person having one truly knew what she did was wrong and asked for forgiveness. Jesus laid down His life for us when we didn't deserve it. I think we can give up our life (either literally or our lifestyle) for an innocent human.

  8. I still think it's should be up to the women herself and no law should tell anyone what to do, or not do to their body. If she regrets it after the fact, then that's her problem. That is what free will is all about. Free to make the wrong choose and fine the right path after wards.

    Side note it's not live until you have brain activity. Then I think it's wrong to have one. But that's just me.

  9. Where do you get the idea it's not alive until brain activity? Someone goes into a coma and is brain dead then it's OK to pull the plug? Is a tree alive?

    Stem Cell Research

    Line in the sand, we all have a place where we draw the line and say that you can go this far but no further.

    When I took Sociology in college, I had a female professor who was a nice enough person. Her main downfall as far as I could see was she wasn’t honest with the student or herself. She wasn’t honest with the students because she was a strong believer in one of the many fields of sociological schools of thought. She didn’t tell you which one she was a firm believer in but as you listened to her lecture you could tell.

    I had a Psychology professor who told the class at the very beginning that he would touch on six or seven different schools of thought but he believed this one to be the correct one. He was honest and up front with himself and the students.

    The sociology profession kept telling the class that there were no absolute rights or wrongs. Society determined what was what. She had told the class that she and her husband didn’t have any children and that they were trying to adopt.

    In one of our class discussion I mentioned that if society determined that it was all right to harm, abuse or kill a child then there wasn’t anything wrong with it. I mentioned one group of Old Testament people who would offer their children by burning them alive to their false god. She stated absolutely that it was wrong to harm children under for any reason.

    She had drawn her line in the sand and came up with an absolute that went against every principle she had taught so far that year.

    Pook, you draw a line in the sand further down the line that I do. I have my reasons for where I take my stand. At one time I would have stood very close to you on this issue. Have you examined the reasons why you draw the line where you do? Is it because it’s the easiest place to draw it?

    During my late teens and early twenties, at work when discussing abortion the older men would say, “If your sister, mother, or wife were rapped by a big black n……r would you want her to have to care for that half breed for the rest of her life?” That’s right, abortion rights were gained on the backs of prejudice and stupidity.
